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21 Jul 2010 I'm thrilled to announce that we have launched our first iPhone app, and library, then there will be a 'download' icon to the left of the paper. 2 Dec 2008 The lists are separated by whether the the application is paid or free – first as an overall look, and then by each major category (games,  12 Nov 2019 To use the iTunes Store or the App Store you need an Apple ID, also known as an iTunes Get instructions on downloading and installing iTunes on Windows. On a The first thing to do with your new iPhone is to activate it. Download and install an app - Apple iPhone 4S. From the home screen, tap the App Store. From the App Store home screen: Tap Favorites or Top Charts to  12 Jun 2017 While revolutionary for its time, the first gen iPhone had a pretty small offering of applications. It wasn't really until 2008, when the App Store first